He La Laguna City Council celebrated this Thursday a full of extraordinary character dedicated to the current immigration situation in the Canary Islands in which it has vindicated its commitment as an open and welcoming municipality.
All political groups represented in the City Council, with the sole exception of Vox, have approved a motion that reiterates the 21 points approved in February 2021 for the management of the migration crisis at the regional level, the City Council details in a statement.
On this occasion, two new points have been incorporated in which the Corporation expresses the commitment to “resuming the work of the Municipal Board of Reception of Migrants and Refugees, as a space for community work”, and to continue “projects linked to reception, cultural diversity, the fight against hoaxes around migration, in areas such as education or neighborhoods.”
The plenary session has reiterated the municipality’s rejection of a reception model based on macro centers, vindicating the commitment of La Laguna as an open and welcoming municipality, and urges the state government to increase the amounts destined to provide adequate and comprehensive care to the population. migrant, among twenty points.
This document also rejects that the Canary Islands become “an open-air prison for migrants who wish to continue their route to the European continent”, urging the administrations involved to achieve maximum coordination and collaboration in this matter and prioritize distribution. solidarity of migrants between the different humanitarian reception devices existing on the Peninsula and within the European Union.