The government group Goodview of the North (SSP-CC) announces that it will reinforce security in the municipality this year with the incorporation of two new agents of the Local policewhich will allow a 40% increase in the number of available troops, which will go from 5 to 7, “probably in the month of June”, according to the mayor’s forecasts, Antonio Gonzalez Fortes (SSP).
The northern president recalls that his government found itself at the beginning of the mandate with a staff of four municipal agents and that they will conclude it in 2023 with seven troops, 75% more than in 2019. González Fortes rejects the proposal of the PSOE to summon the local safety board for a supposed increase in “the feeling of insecurity in the municipality” and responds that “the isolated incidents that have occurred, such as robberies and some aggression, are specific issues related to drug trafficking that have also occurred at other times, without that this has supposed then no extraordinary measure ”.
“Security is one of our priorities and that is why, since we came to government, we have worked to increase the staff of the Local Police, which we found with four agents and without any open administrative process to provide the available places. Now we have five cops available, which in a few months will be seven; Two officer positions have been provided, and we are also working for the announcement of the position of sub-inspector”, announces the mayor.
The PSOE has requested the urgent call of “the security table” due to the coincidence of “several robberies, both in businesses and private homes as well as in municipal buildings, the occupation of empty homes and altercations with white weapons in places with considerable public attendance”. A request that Anthony Gonzalez rejects because it considers that “it only tries to stir up that supposed feeling of insecurity that we do not perceive” and that it also refers to “a legal figure that does not exist, since in any case it would have to refer to the Local Security Board”. What the government group does plan to convene is a neighborhood briefing to detail what has been worked on in recent months, in coordination with the Civil Guard and the Canarian Police.
“This call is not sustained because we cannot let ourselves be carried away by alleged sensations that are not different from those of previous mandates and, in addition, the state security forces and bodies have already intervened to try to clarify several of the those issues to which the PSOE alludes in a statement that we consider irresponsible“, the Mint.
The ideal ratio is 9 agents
Regarding the future of the Local Police staff, the Buenavista Government does not consider calling for more positions in this mandate. However, the mayor acknowledges that the ideal ratio for this municipality of 4,766 inhabitants is nine agents. “As of 2023, we will have to consider whether it is feasible to create these two positions to go from seven to nine local police officers, taking into account that our reality has changed,” says González.
After the threat of closing the post of the Civil Guard of Buenavista del Norte at the end of 2020, the mayor stresses that the post will once again have all its available staff (12) “for the first time in almost 14 years”, which in his opinion represents a significant improvement, which also has the support “almost newspaper” of the Canarian Police. In addition, specialization courses have been organized for agents on issues such as drug trafficking, and meetings in November 2021, with the sub-delegate of the Government with the chief colonel of the Santa Cruz de Tenerife Civil Guard Commandand in February 2022, with the General Directorate of Security and Emergencies of the Government of the Canary Islands and the Canarian Police.
Anthony Gonzalez considers that the incidents of recent weeks are related to “a historical problem with drug trafficking”, which the Buenavista City Council is trying to reduce with measures of surveillance and prosecution of crimes and also with social actions such as the approval of the first Drug Addiction Plan of the town“because the drug that is not consumed is not bought,” says the president.