A internal rebellion leaves vox without candidacy to the Congress of Deputies for Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Last Sunday afternoon, some members of the list for the Lower House launched an ordeal and erased themselves en bloc from the call for 23J, a few hours before the deadline granted by the provincial Electoral Board to correct errors or make changes to the candidacies. His decision, communicated to the far-right formation in discount minutes, left the party with no margin to register the new names on the board, so those of Santiago Abascal will finally not be able to go to the polls in the western province. Sources inside the party refused to confirm or deny this point and claimed to be unaware of the decision made by the provincial Electoral Board in the act of proclamation of the candidacies, which takes place 27 days after the call for the elections.
Vox decided to change the head of the list to Santa Cruz de Tenerife and leave out Rubén Darío Vega, who in the previous general elections won a seat for his province, becoming one of the two Canarian deputies of this party in Congress, along with alberto rodriguez, by Las Palmas. Two weeks ago, Vega and 13 other national deputies from the formation received the call from a spokesperson for the National Executive Committee, in which they were informed that they did not have them for 23J. Following the orders issued by the national leadership of the party, he would be replaced in the starting position by his number two in the 2019 elections, Alejandro Gómez, who only a month ago was running for mayor of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
finger designations
Behind the finger appointments by the National Executive Committee would be the internal crisis that Vox Tenerife has been experiencing since the last weeks of last year, when a cascade of resignations of organic party officials was unleashed. Now, the pyramid appointments have led to a revolt that could cost them a seat in Congress.
The unsuccessful candidacy of Vox to the Congress of Deputies It was made up like a puzzle with the names of candidates for city councils from different municipalities of the province last 28M. Number three, Salvador Lucena, ran for mayor of Puerto de la Cruz; Mónica París, at number five on the list, was a candidate for Guide of Isora; and number seven, Iván González, to San Juan de la Rambla. as if he was a game of trickstersVox counts on Canary Islands with some candidates to those who move through the electoral lists, regardless of the institution to which they are presented.
without canary agenda
Facing the regional elections on May 26, 2019, Podemos suffered a rout similar to the one that now leaves Vox out of the game in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Who was general secretary of the purples and deputy for the Las Palmas province, Meri Pitaat that time led a last-minute riot that was about to knock down the candidacy of Noemi Santana to the Parliament of the Canary Islands. So, Santana managed to restructure the list with another 15 names in record time and in extremis the same night that the term ended, finally being able to stand in the elections that ended with the formation of the Government of the pact of flowers.
Those of Abascal managed to put a record in the board Canarian politician in the 28M elections. The four Vox deputies – three elected by the island lists and one by the regional one – will have to define their role in the regional Parliament, where they have arrived despite not having a specific agenda for the Archipelago.