Coalition and the herrenos of AHI finalize an agreement to guarantee their support for the pact
The nationalists agree to apply measures to boost the western islands
The Canarian Coalition and the Independent Herreña Association (AHI) began work yesterday to incorporate into the government program for the next four years measures that give impetus and respond to the needs of the green islands. Representatives of both formations met yesterday in the Parliament of the Canary Islands with the presence of the candidate for the Presidency, Fernando Clavijo; the secretary of Organization, David Toledo, and the general campaign coordinator, José Miguel Barragán, with the president of the Independent Herreña Association, Javier Armas, and the parliamentarian, Narvay Quintero. Both nationalist forces agreed to continue advancing in a plan that allows improving the quality of life of the people of El Hierro and responding to the challenges of the green islands, fundamentally marked by the rise in prices.