Intervened 200 kilos of cocaine in a ship that refueled in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The Customs Surveillance Service and the Civil Guard have intervened 200 kilograms of cocaine that was attached inside one of the refrigeration nozzles of the Nord Mamore ship, which was refueling in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The operation took place while the ship was making a technical stop to refuel on its route from Brazil to the port of Lisbon, the Civil Guard and the Tax Agency said in a statement on Thursday.

The intervention has been the result of one of the anchoring visits carried out by the Fiscal Protection and Borders Section of the Civil Guard of the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in conjunction with the Combined Customs Surveillance Unit.

In this case, in the early hours of August 5, a visit was made to the cargo ship called Nord Mamore, which was anchored in anchorage area number 2 of the port of the capital of Tenerife to refuel. The declared cargo was corn, destined for the port of Lisbon, details the note.

During the course of the inspection of the cargo and the rest of the common areas of the vessel, up to a total of eight bales were detected.

The discovery occurred during the review of a cooling water intake nozzle for the ship’s machinery, carried out from outside the hull by Civil Guard divers. The bundles were tied inside the nozzle and to each other when they were located by the divers.

After analyzing the packages, it turned out that the presence of narcotic substances, specifically cocaine, with a total weight of 200 kilos, was detected inside.

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