Cross port will have its own this year entrepreneur check to encourage the creation of new companies and businesses in the tourist city. At the proposal of People’s Partythe last plenary agreed, with the approval and an amendment of the Government of Porto (PSOE-ACP), follow in the footsteps of municipalities such as The Realejoswhich since 2012 has helped 313 entrepreneurs in their first steps who have received public support of more than 434,000 euros to pay for expenses as diverse as self-employed and employee fees, management, insurance, advertising or the rent of a place. In the absence of concrete figures for this new aid in the Cross portin the case of Los Realejos, the entrepreneur check It amounts to 1,750 euros, which can be increased to 2,500 euros for people over 40 years of age, long-term unemployed, people with disabilities, victims of gender-based violence, women with single-parent families, people in a situation of social exclusion or social economy entities.
Although the PP had proposed the implementation of a specific and concrete figure like the one that exists in the only municipality in the Orotava Valley where the popular rule, the final agreement in Cross port states that this aid will be included in the third line of subsidies to the business fabric that “will come out in the coming months”, according to sources from the Government of Marco González (PSOE).
The Porto PP recalls that this measure has as its objective «the granting of subsidies, under a competitive system, to natural or legal persons who have started their activity in the city during the last year and who have a fiscal domicile in our municipality». A proposal that “aims to attract talent and private investment so that more entrepreneurs decide to bet on developing their business in the municipality, through a specific subsidy that facilitates their beginnings.”
It will be included in the third line of subsidies to the business fabric, scheduled for this year
The People’s Party He stated that the future governing bases of this aid “must include a wide range of eligible expenses, such as expenses for the start-up of the business project, professional expenses, rent for the lease of the premises, Social Security contributionspromotion and publicity of the new company or expenses for the digitization of the business, among other possible concepts.
The Popular Municipal Group celebrates the commitment of the Local Corporation so that, in the next call for subsidies, the entrepreneurial check goes ahead. A “great news”in the opinion of the local president of the PP and mayor, Mountain Angel«to which is added the agreement with the Porto government group to study future tax credits in relation to the payment of municipal fees and taxes that new entrepreneurs must pay during the first year of exercising their activity.