The Council of Tenerife approved, in the Insular Government Council, the award of the works corresponding to the project of the coastal walk in Los Roques de Fasnia worth 1,138,445.76 euros. The works will have an execution period of 12 months and have been awarded to the company Asfaltos y Obras Tafuriaste, SL
The island president, Pedro Martín, assures that it is a highly demanded and expected action by the residents of the area, “and, thanks to the management and involvement of this government team, we have managed to carry it out before the end of the year ”. Martín emphasizes that “it is one of the most important works that the Cabildo is going to start up” and assures that with it “the existing dangerous situation will be eliminated and the security of the area will be guaranteed.”
The improvement works will consist of the demolition of the swimming pool of the Bahía apartments to recover the public land maritime domain occupied by it, to benefit the beach and the construction of a promenade. In the same way, the accessibility conditions to the sea in the center of Los Roques and the security conditions through the Roque de Adentro isthmus, which connects the Bahía apartments area with Los Roques, will be improved.
The insular director of Tourism, Laura Castro, highlights the importance of this work for the municipality, “which will recover this strip of the coast for public use” and assures that “they will continue working to stop trends, uses and procedures that negatively affect the coast of Tenerife ”. Castro is also convinced that “this area will become an attraction for the local population and for tourists, who will be able to stroll and enjoy the coastal environment.”
This project is part of the Tenerife y el Mar program, which aims to manage investment actions to improve the island’s coastline, under the principles of territorial balance, sustainability and solidarity.