Canary Islands Coalition dismisses as “very worrying” the first draft that the Ministry of Finance has sent to the autonomous communities to modify the financing system and warns that this document “should set off the alarms” of the entire Canarian society as it shows that the The archipelago starts from a very weak position to face this negotiation.
“If the starting point is the analysis made by the Ministry of Finance technicians who show a profound ignorance of the insular reality, it is evident that the danger of under-financing is real because the document ignores the historical rights of the Canary Islands and certifies the absolute ignorance of the insular reality and the outermost periphery “, they point out in a note.
The nationalists warn that “this must be a concern and a struggle of the entire Canarian society” and that, apart from political parties, “the Canary Islands cannot show even a fissure in defense of fair financing that recognizes the singular fact of the Canary Islands” and for this, “the REF must be left out of the financing system.”
In his opinion, “it is vital for the islands that the Ministry of Finance understands that our jurisdiction is the tool that allows us to start on an equal footing with other autonomous communities and not financing that must be added to what is received from the State since that would mean going back to 2008 when the Canary Islands lost 700 million annually and we were placed in the bottom of the financing of the entire State “.
Regarding the document sent by the Ministry of Finance, the nationalists criticize that there is evidence of “a worrying ignorance of the reality and the absence of reports on the social and economic reality of the Canary Islands” and wonder “why it has not been taken into account by part of the Ministry of Finance the report carried out by the Government of the Canary Islands in 2018 in which the costs of insularity are analyzed, a work commissioned by the Autonomous Community that indicates and quantifies the costs of insularity, the ultra-periphery and double insularity in the private economy “.
A report, recall the nationalists, that should be used by the current Government to demonstrate the need for the REF to be left out of the autonomous financing system (as it is the tool that compensates for these extra costs) and to fix the financing of the archipelago from there.
The conclusion of the insularity section of the ministry’s report, and in which it is stated verbatim that “in any case, it is difficult to put in context the value of a possible variable related to insularity”, reveals the difficulty of calculating the impact that said concept it may have on the costs of provision of services in the autonomous communities.
However, the global comparison of the resources made available to the insular autonomous communities seems to indicate that there is no clear evidence for their reconsideration and points out two things, ignorance, since “it is not difficult to put the context of the value of a variable related to insularity “since there are already works that calculate it (and that have not been taken into account) and a predisposition of the Ministry of Finance to maintain the situation of 2008 in which the Canary Islands suffered that the compensations to these extra costs (REF) were they will be incorporated into the calculations of the financing system, placing the islands in a “clear” disadvantage, they detail.
“We run once again the true risk that we will once again find that the central government will not recognize a reality that Europe, with its ultra-peripherality, has recognized for decades,” they underline.