He Tenerife Council will expedite this year the expansion project to the Snowman of Line 2 of the tram; that is, gain one stop and 600 meters from the current route between La Cuesta and Tíncer. The insular Government, chaired by Rosa Davila (Canarian Coalition), thus follow the recommendations of the Mobility Plan, which states that lanes for high-occupancy vehicles such as buses, new trams, more roads, park and ride facilities or interchanges must be prioritized. This matter will go to plenary session through a motion by CC and the Popular Party, which govern in agreement in the Cabildo, to which Vox joins. Its objective is to reach the maximum consensus for this action.
Specifically, the motion requests that the City Council Tenerife that undertakes to “continue with the project to extend tram line 2 to the Snowman stop, upon request for mandatory reports, subjecting it to a public information process, and in agreement with the Santa Cruz City Council. Tenerife”.
Signed by the spokespersons Lope Afonso (PP), José Miguel Ruano (CC) and Ana Salazar (Vox), the text explains that “it is the objective of the Island Council of Tenerife to expand the tram and railway network of the Island, conditioned on the study, according to the territory, of the efficiency and suitability of this modal system, as a cleaner and more energy efficient means of public transport”.
Add supports
Since CC and PP govern the insular institution, what the motion seeks is to add support. “The extension of Line 2 to the Snowman It is the first action in this matter that will be addressed, motivated by being the most technically and administratively advanced option, and to respond to a current and estimated future demand, taking into account imminent actions already planned in that environment”, they detail in the text.
CC, PP and Vox consider “counterproductive for there to be speculation with other debates in relation to other complementary routes, such as Los Majuelos Avenue, which is not on the table.” The proponents of the plenary initiative insist that “the only route that is being proposed is the extension to the Snowman, and the next extension will be the subject of consultation with the City Council and subject to the necessary citizen participation processes.” “.
The three island groups that subscribe to the motion affirm that mobility “is understood today as a right of people, of a transversal nature, and considered as a means to exercise other rights, such as education or health, more than as an end in itself.” In this regard, they detail: “And mobility is, today, the problem that most worries all Tenerife residents. Mobility allows you to choose your place of residence or work, access essential public services, in short, so it has an important impact on quality of life and well-being.”
“Transversal character”
“This transversal nature of mobility It can be related, among other areas, to environmental protection, to the climate strategy, or to the social and economic progress of the territory, because mobility today is no longer understood to refer exclusively to transportation,” the parties state.
According to the Sustainable Development Goals, the milestones to be achieved would be, among others, “achieving an intermodal travel system or increasing the use of public transportation.” The motion continues: “Thus, and in accordance with the commitments acquired by Canary Islands in terms of the fight against climate change, articulated through the Canary Islands Climate Action Strategy that identifies the main risks, setting as objectives, among others, the reduction of emissions and sustainable mobility.
“And in a system aimed at decarbonization and efficiency, with increasingly ambitious environmental objectives, it is essential to address the impact that may arise from the transportation sector,” the motion indicates. “And the reduction of greenhouse emissions is a priority,” he points out.