31.5% of patients admitted to La Candelaria Hospital have malnutrition or are on the verge

31.5% of the patients admitted to the La Candelaria Hospital have malnutrition or are at risk of suffering from it, which has different repercussions, as explained by the center this Monday.

These patients, he adds, have almost three days longer average hospital stay, almost three times more mortality and are 20% more likely to be readmitted within a month.

The La Candelaria Hospital specifies that it has implemented a nutritional screening system called CIPA since 2014, the results of which, after carrying out analyzes on 32,000 patients, have been recently presented by professionals from the Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Unit within the framework of the European day Malnutrition in Spain and Europe: making the invisible visibleorganized by the Másnutridos Alliance on the occasion of Malnutrition Week.

The endocrinologist Pablo Suárez presented in this forum a pioneering cost-effectiveness study where the results of implementing said screening in the center are analyzed, compared to working without it.

Based on this analysis, he also presented the main points of a novel cost-effectiveness analysis tool called DRECOST, through which the budgetary savings of implementing CIPA screening are estimated both in the center and in the Autonomous Community as a whole.

Among the main conclusions of the conference, the experts highlight the importance of including nutritional care in any health initiative, being key to allocate resources for the diagnosis of malnutrition through universal hospital nutritional screening in all centers.

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