He Tenerife Council will invest 515,762 euros in the improvement of the San Jerónimo Industrial Park, located in La Orotava. The works in progress correspond to the second phase of the repaving of the streets of this complexwhich are in a notable state of deterioration due to the high heavy vehicle traffic they register, derived from the activity of the industrial area itself.
The Industry Councilor of the insular Corporation, Manuel Fernandez (PP), visited yesterday, together with the mayor of the Orotavense municipality, Francisco Linares (CC), the streets that are the subject of the works, which is part of the Cabildo’s Budget for the year 2024. Fernández highlighted that these works “represent a boost” for companies and “for the more than 2,000 workers” who use these “ways.”
Included in the plan to improve the industrial estates of the Island promoted by the Cabildo, Manuel Fernández recalled that the Corporation has “for the first time with a specific Industry area equipped with its own economic items aimed at activating the industrial sector.” The counselor assured that, “in this process, we reach out to the municipalities.” Along these lines, he defended that “working with the town councils is the best way to achieve our objective, which focuses on the industrial activity of Tenerife have greater facilities for its development.
Along these lines, the mayor of the municipality of La Orotava, Francisco Linares, He indicated that “collaboration between administrations is important and we have total harmony with the Cabildo to undertake improvements in the San Jerónimo Industrial Park.” “We continue working to improve our municipality and we appreciate the involvement and collaboration of the insular Corporation,” he concluded.