The co-spokesperson of Unidas se Podemos in La Laguna, made up of Rubens Ascanio and Idaira Afonso, assured this Monday that the PSOE “never” wanted to form a progressive government pact in the municipality in view of the “imminent pact” that is going to be signed with Canarian Coalition, which once again has been converted into “a simple pawn in the game of island power distribution.”
The La Laguna party clarifies in a note that “in no case, neither in June nor in recent months, has the PSOE maintained concrete actions to achieve a progress agreement, which was viable and stable.”
Ascanio indicates that the statements of some socialist leaders about the impossibility of a progress pact demonstrate “totally biased” information, since neither before the formation of the new Government nor after was there any real negotiation by the most voted force in The lagoon.
In this sense, he assures that the document of possible programmatic agreement had to be “prepared and promoted” by Unidas se Podemos and a “consensus” was achieved with Drago Verdes Canarias.
“Since then we stated that there was a willingness to talk about it, but we have only found excuses and closed doors, and it is evident that they never wanted to,” he comments.
For Rubens Ascanio, “La Laguna citizens expressed a majority vote for progress, in the local and general elections, even the socialist militancy voted by majority for the agreement with Sumar, but possibly without knowing that the municipality was presenting itself as a loot to be distributed.” , once again, with the Canarian Coalition”.
Along these lines, he recalls that “the possible agreement with the Canarian Coalition occurs after dozens of accusations and judicial processes crossed in the last term, with a campaign very marked by that dichotomy, where part of the progressive vote moved to the PSOE to consolidate the change In the lagoon”.
Idaira Afonso, for her part, points out that once again the local government is “a game to be distributed or delivered according to interests outside the municipality.”
Along these lines, he understands that with this decision we return “to the 2015 scenario, where there is a majority of progress, an agreement is once again chosen based on particular interests and not on general ones, based on the distribution of power and not on the model of municipality to develop, but now the PSOE is not a local hostage, it is the promoter of this agreement”.
Thus, he points out that since June they have had a “reluctant Government, unwilling to sit down and talk, with vague promises of a governability pact” that they announced in September and never developed.”
For this reason, he believes that the decision that seems to lead to a pact “from the past” in La Laguna hides “the desire to once again recover spaces of power in other places and achieve a government that is based on two town councils where each one tries to obtain the greatest returns”.
From Unidas se Podemos they demand that the leftist forces not be used as an “excuse” because “the hand has been extended” but since July, PSOE and CC “have understood each other on issues such as raising political salaries, economic modifications or changing the full time tomorrow.”
They clarify in this regard that there is a “majority of progress” in the City Council and a programmatic document that was put on the table.
“If they want to divide La Laguna with the Canarian Coalition it is for issues that touch the particular interest of other administrations, where perhaps some hope to displace the PP, or other places, not for the general interest of the neighbors,” they point out.
The left-wing coalition asks for “courage” from the PSOE because “if they want to return to an agreement where the Canarian Coalition resumes its fiefdom in Lagunero, they should not hide behind falsehoods, they should explain the content of that agreement, but they should be clear that the Lagunero left will continue doing their job, whether in government or in the opposition.