PSOE, Asamblea Herreña and IUC-Reunir have registered this Tuesday the motion of no confidence in the Cabildo de El Hierro minutes after Javier Armas (AHI) was sworn in as president as a candidate from the most voted list with four directors.
The agreement, which had been signed days ago in the municipality of El Pinar, implies that the PSOE candidate, Alpidio Armas –brother of the AHI candidate– will once again be the president and David Cabrera, from Asamblea Herreña, the vice president, while the only director of IUC-Reunir Canarias, will occupy the Ministry of Social Rights, Housing, Health and Equality.
By virtue of this motion of censure, which will be debated in plenary session on July 11, the government team is made up of three advisers from the PSOE, three from Agrupación Herreña and one from IUC-Reunir, while the opposition is reserved for AHI and PP, with four and two seats respectively.