Some audiovisual studios on a rustic plot next to two protected areas, the new project that seeks to be of “island interest” in Tenerife

The company Imagine Green Studios SL plans the construction of film and television sets in the town of Adeje, a project that has the support of the Cabildo, which has accelerated the process for its construction in order for the island to have some film studios so that “he does not come just to record” in natural spaces, as President Pedro Martín assured last February.

The project, on the other hand, has been rejected by Sí Podemos Canarias, a party that this Friday denounced “the interest in declaring the occupation of more than 40,000 square meters of the best agricultural land” in the municipality as a project of insular interest. The political formation in the Tenerife Council promotes the protection of this bag of rustic land, while proposing possible alternatives for the location of these facilities on land for industrial use on the island.

The insular spokesman for Sí Podemos Canarias, David Carballo, has described it as “an aberration at the level of insular planning” because “approving a new industrial estate outside the existing planning, which will destroy a very useful and necessary strategic agricultural land reserve in a future, even more so when there are large pockets of industrial land to be developed in already consolidated industrial estates that could perfectly house the project for this cinematographic hub, without causing further damage to our territory”.

Carballo, has also stated that “a few months ago, they wanted to establish a golf course in this same area, alleging that the demand to practice this discipline in Adeje was very high, but the promoters added that they had to incorporate hotel equipment to be able to become profitable, in what was a new attempt at urban planning. Luckily the Cabildo rejected this project”. “The productive fabric of the island must be diversified in the face of the monopoly of mass tourism, betting on the green, blue and care economy or the development of the audiovisual industry, but this cannot be done at any price” he concludes.

He adds that “both governments and businessmen speak of sustainability only as a slogan that entails great benefits for them. We believe that what is sustainable is to build an industry, of whatever type, on land intended for them, such as industrial estates, many and varied, throughout Tenerife, even with maximum connections, such as the Granadilla industrial estate, with a port own and a few meters from a world-class airport that languishes without activity. We cannot afford the luxury of changing the planning to consume one more square meter of agricultural land”.

According to experts in Biology and the Natural Environment consulted by Sí Podemos Canarias, the area where these film studios are to be built coincides with a place of transit for numerous birds, including Canary Islands shearwaters, as it is a natural corridor from the coast to their places of nesting, traffic that can be interrupted by the height of up to 30 meters from the projected buildings. Another element to take into account is the possible impact on the Special Conservation Areas (ZEC) within the Natura 2000 Network, since the project is surrounded by two of these spaces.

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