The cost of the work carried out by the Cabildo in Vilaflor to undertake actions in public spaces of great use rises to 155,950 euros. It is about conditioning the municipal crypt (40,420 euros), the improvement of the toilets in Obispo Pérez Cáceres square, located next to the Church of San Pedro Apóstol (96,190 euros), and the reform of the Jama School House (19,340 euros). These actions are already completed and are financed through the insular program for priority municipal works 2021-2022.
The work carried out at the Jama School House focused on conditioning the facilities to guarantee the provision of educational and cultural activities, guaranteeing quality and safety conditions. We also proceeded to waterproof the roof and adapt the facade of the property.
The Councilor for Municipal Cooperation and Housing of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Zebenzuí Chinea, visited, along with the mayoress of Vilaflor de Chasna, Agustina Beltránthe priority works that have been carried out in the municipality with the help of the Cabildo to improve public services to citizens.
“We are glad to know that there are forecasts to continue this program for priority and urgent works”
Zebenzuí Chinea valued this island program “to help municipalities with fewer inhabitants and collaborate with them in projects that contribute to improving basic services and infrastructures for the population.”
the mayor, Agustina Beltrán, showed her gratitude to the Island Corporation “on behalf of the entire government team and the citizenry, for diversifying the investments of the Cooperation area in the municipalities, which is greatly appreciated in small ones, like ours.” The councilor explained that these works “improve spaces for great use that, without the insular financing, it would have been difficult for us to carry out ”, he added. Beltrán announced that “we are glad to know that there are forecasts to continue this program for priority and urgent works.”
During the visit to the crypt, located in the center of Vilaflor de Chasna, the authorities verified the completion of the work, focused on conditioning and reforming the entire interior space, distributed in two large rooms and rooms for storage and toilets. Zebenzuí Chinea explained that “the conditions of use in the facilities have been improved, in which the toilets and the flooring have been renovated, the carpentry has been replaced and new sanitary devices have been installed. Outside, the roof has been waterproofed to solve the problem of rainwater infiltration”, he explained.
Regarding the improvement of the public toilets located in the Obispo Pérez Cáceres square, in the historic center, the island councilor indicated that a complete reform has been carried out. The services are located within the BIC protection area declared in favor of the Church by the Government of the Canary Islands since 1985, an environment in the heart of the town that is frequently visited, both by the local population and by tourists, “with which it became necessary this action to offer this basic and necessary service of public toilets in good conditions to visitors”.
With these works we proceeded to the Reform of the interior and exterior of the facilities, with modern finishes, flooring, sanitary ware, replacement of the carpentry and waterproofing of the roof. The plumbing and electrical installations were also renewed.