Entering the municipal sports facilities with a dog will be considered a serious offense in the new ordinance that regulates the use of these spaces, a sanction that can reach a maximum of 500 euros if the space in which it is infringed is a swimming pool, and that can reach 1,000 euros if that infraction is committed on the Santa Cruz courts. Precisely the lack of justification for this difference between the sanctions, for the same type of non-compliance, is one of the multiple criticisms that the opposition made yesterday to the rule that was initially approved in the municipal plenary session, and that was also debated in a motion presented by the PSOE asking for its withdrawal.
An ordinance that also regulates the operation of the canteens in the city’s sports spaces, establishing issues such as tables and chairs beyond the canteen space, with exceptions; The sale of tobacco and alcohol, or the sale of food prepared within the canteen, or of products to people who are not part of the club or sports association that manages the canteen is prohibited. “How are they going to do then when there are competitions, the members of the other team, their family or friends will not be able to consume in the canteen according to this article”, pointed out the former mayor of the PSOE, Patricia Hernández, who added that “on top of that they will not be able to sell a sandwich mixed, but yes industrial pastries, and since they don’t have chairs and tables it’s the last straw”.
Another of the criticisms leveled, in this case by the UP spokesman, Ramón Trujillo, pointed to the equalization of sanctions: “You qualify the same as entering a pack of tobacco into a sports facility as a line of coca.” He also highlighted the detail of issues that, in his opinion, should not be included in an ordinance. “They prohibit climbing on lane ropes in a swimming pool, but only there, they do not prohibit climbing on a basketball hoop, or recommend that all hair should be collected under the bathing cap. Things that are more typical of a swimming pool regulation than an ordinance,” Trujillo pointed out.
And it is that the ordinance has a section of recommendations regarding only the regulation of the use of swimming pools, something new within an ordinance, and in which it is collected, in addition to the cap, the convenience that the shower of before entering the pool it is done for a reasonable time, drain the swimsuit and hair well before leaving the shower area or jumping into the water headfirst is dangerous.
The Councilor for Sports, Alicia Cebrián, responded to all the criticism by defending that it was necessary to update the regulations and that the opposition had not read the ordinance well. “In any case, this is an initial approval, so all parties and interested parties may present the arguments they deem appropriate.” And it is that another of the criticisms is having made an ordinance “with the back to the clubs of this municipality”, according to Patricia Hernández, who assured that they had transferred it that way.