the area of Roads of the Cabildo de Tenerife will carry out the cut of one of the lanes of the Padre Anchieta roundabout to be able to execute the east access of the pedestrian walkway that is being carried out to improve the mobility problems that are registered in the area, one of those that registers the highest flow of vehicles.
The insular director of Highways, Tomás Félix García, explained that he takes advantage of the fact that tomorrow is a holiday so that the effect on traffic is minimal, since it is not a working day or a school day, normality being restored after 10:00 p.m. In addition, he recalls that “this roundabout supports a traffic density of 48,000 vehicles per day” and ensures that “the works will be carried out between 07:00 and 22:00.”
The works that are carried out in parallel, both on Calle Ángel Guimerá and in the surroundings of the Padre Anchieta roundabout itself, will change the flow of pedestrians, with alternative paths of passage, to guarantee their safety. until October 21.