The Tenerife Platform for Family Members and Residence Users was created to promote the protection of those who occupy these public centers, both the older people like people with disabilities. Its promoters request a better functioning of these care spaces and a new model that would basically be reduced to a maximum of ten people and direct participation in the management of users and their families. The collective has sought the protection of the Diputación del Común to start your journey. Precisely, a institution report, signed by Milagros Fuentes, second associate to Rafael Yanes, in November 2020, has been taken as the basis for the structure of this new associative proposal on the Island.
Ofelia Aguiar is the founder of the Platform that she registered in May 2021, although she insists on fleeing from any prominence and makes it clear that her voice is collective, even if it is translated in the first person. The association is a pioneer on the island, although there is a state one that brings together 19 similar groups, one of them in Gran Canaria, from 11 autonomous communities. Clarifies that its purpose is to request the improvement of the social health care system in Tenerife, as well as the protection of the rights of the elderly and dependents who are in the centers of the Island. He explains that “it moved me to have discovered serious irregularities in a residence concrete like the opacity, lack of veracity in information or inappropriate treatment”. Given this, he continues, “I decided that these actions could not be tolerated or looked the other way and that something had to be done so that it would not happen again.” Likewise, he stresses, “reading the book by Infolibre investigative journalist Manuel Rico“ Shame: the residency scandal ”was a great influence on me. It was a catalyst to found an association that defends the rights and dignity of people who are in residences both elderly and with disabilities “.
The representatives of the users ensure that the waiting times for recognition of the Dependence and to obtain places in residences in the Canary Islands they are much higher than the state average, and that there is a very important shortage of places. He even points out something that he considers unaffordable: “Some people are called to offer one after they have passed away.” In this regard, it should be remembered that the island councilor for Social Action, Maríán Franquet, has recognized waiting list of more than 7,000 people in Tenerife. A fundamental objective of the Platform is “to considerably reduce the waiting time for a place”.
In defense of users
Given these facts, Aguiar points out: “We want make visible the situation of the residences, and that public administrations know that there is an Association that defends the resident, so we ask that they take us into account when making decisionss “.
Along these lines, the Platform points out the importance of replace the macro residences with other small ones, divided into living units of up to 10 users. In addition, they ask for the involvement of city councils and councils for the construction and financing of these centers, as well as so that business is not done with dependents. Likewise, they highlight the need to carry out a greater number of audits in which, without prior notice, the management and operation of these centers are inspected and controlled.
They also request the establishment of organs for the participation of relatives and residents in the management of the centers, for which they claim to have more information, since “there is a lack of communication with the staff.” For this reason, among other aspects, they propose the creation of a Family Support Unit, made up of doctors, social workers and psychologists, in order to inform about the diseases suffered and how to deal with them. “There is no unification of criteria”, Ofelia Aguiar sentence.
Other tasks to be undertaken include “ending the illegal residences due to administrative silence and toughening the sanctions in those in which irregularities are detected and preventing them from being opened to people who have been denounced or to whom they have been closed.” Regarding the workforce, it is requested that the number of gericultores increases, the dignity of this group, the improvement of their salary, as well as the specialization in Geriatrics or the Nursing Assistant qualification. The families ask to recover the daily visits to the residents, as well as the protection of the elderly and people with disabilities. To prevent abuse, the proposal is to prohibit mechanical and pharmacological restraint.
A key report
The Deputy of the Common has highlighted that in the Extraordinary Report on Residences presented by the Institution, two clear deficiencies were seen: with regard to the number of places in the Canary Islands, since, Yanes points out, “we have a third of the Spanish average”; and regarding the quality of services, “there is one inspector for every 46 residences, while in the Balearic Islands, for example, they have one for every four centers.” The Platform values that this report reflects the reality of residences and even believes that “it could be even worse.” They confirm deficiencies such as opacity, or it is not reported or the information is not truthful like other irregularities ”. All those interested in contacting the Tenerife Platform for Relatives and Residence Users may do so through Facebook or email [email protected].