The Ministry of Health of Canary Islands Government, in collaboration with Official Associations of Pharmacists of the provinces of Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, authorizes the pharmacy offices expedition of COVID-19 certificate vaccination. It is a measure that it is activated from today, Monday, January 10, and what follows provide people residing in the Canary Islands with access to this document, as well as decongest the health centers that had been taking the certificates of patients and users who could not access the app or to the web enabled by the Canary Health Service for this purpose.
People interested in obtaining this document at pharmacies, who it will have no cost, they must present their DNI and, in case of requesting the COVID-19 certificate from a third party, it will be necessary to show the identification document of the person requesting it to register who makes the request.
For now, pharmacies will only issue the certificates of residents, a piece of information that they will verify through the Canary Islands Health Card. Residents of other autonomous communities who want to access the certificate will have to do so through digital services or by going to health centers. The Ministry of Health thanks the official colleges of Pharmacists of both provinces for their good disposition for the collaboration requested at all times.
Mobile app
The Canary Islands Health Service (SCS) has the mobile application and the website so that anyone already vaccinated, with one or two doses or with the booster dose, can access, save or print their COVID certificate.
The implementation of this document in the Islands was ratified by the Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands (TSJC), under the modality of compulsory use, for all sectors that are subject to capacity or schedule restrictions on the islands that are at levels alert 3 and 4.
Obligation of the COVID certificate
This measure, which came into effect on December 25 and will last for one month, will be subject to monitoring and evaluation, without prejudice to the possibility of a new extension depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation.
The mandatory certificate for establishments and activities subject to time limits and capacity limits on the islands at levels 3 and 4 does not allow them to benefit from applying lower level measures as was the case when the use of the COVID certificate was maintained as voluntary.
The objective is to establish exceptional measures to control the health situation of people who access certain establishments, facilities or activities considered risky for the transmission of COVID-19, to stop its spread.
The establishments, facilities or activities of the islands that are in the health alert levels 3 and 4 that are affected by application of the mandatory COVID certificate are:
Hotel and catering establishments open to the public, whose resolution granting an opening license has a capacity of more than 30 people. The dining rooms (not cafeterias) of formal education centers are exempted from this measure, with respect to students and teachers.
Nightlife establishments and activities, whose resolution granting the opening license has a capacity of more than 30 people, as well as in those others in which, regardless of their capacity, the consumption of food is allowed.
Establishments and spaces dedicated to recreational and gambling activities, whose resolution to grant an opening license has a capacity of more than 30 people, as well as those in which, regardless of their capacity, the consumption of food is allowed.
Events and celebrations with a concentration of people and music festivals attended by more than 500 people, as well as in those others in which, regardless of their capacity, the consumption of food or drink is allowed.
Sporting events attended by more than 500 people, as well as those in which, regardless of their capacity, the consumption of food or drink is allowed.
Public shows attended by more than 500 people, as well as those in which, regardless of their capacity, the consumption of food or drink is allowed.
Cultural activities in cinemas, theaters, auditoriums and similar, whose resolution granting the opening license has a capacity of more than 50 people, as well as in those others in which, regardless of their capacity, the consumption of food or drink is allowed .
Gyms and similar equipment.
Health establishments and centers for visits to admitted patients, as well as to accompany users to consultation, diagnostic tests, cures or treatment, except in the cases of minors, disabled, dependents or people whose health or other circumstances They are required, at the discretion of the health personnel of the center or establishment.
Residential or day healthcare establishments for visitors and people outside the institution.
The remaining establishments, facilities or activities, such as shops, hairdressers and transport, among others, in which users remain using the mask, on the islands that are in health alert levels 3 and 4 , may apply the certificate voluntarily.
Voluntary use
The COVID certificate is from voluntary use to access certain establishments and activities in the islands that are in levels 1 and 2, a measure that was also ratified by the TSJC and that allows the establishments that use it, to benefit from the capacity and hours of the level lower than those of the island in question.