The Government of the Canary Islands is already working on a draft of an urgent decree law to be able to requalify the land on which the houses that have been affected by the volcanic eruption that began yesterday on the island of La Palma are located, so that “urgently and immediately” can be rebuilt.
This was announced at a press conference by the president of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, after a technical meeting of the Steering Committee of the Special Plan for Civil Protection and Attention to Emergencies due to Volcanic Risk (Pevolca), and in which he appeared with the president of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, and the president of the Cabildo de La Palma, Mariano Hernández Zapata.
The appearance also took place after having visited the reception center for those affected by the volcanic eruption, located in the El Fuerte Attachment and attended by the Red Cross, where they have been able to see first-hand the situation that many residents are going through. of the island and many dependents who have had to be evicted from their homes after the eruption.
In his speech, Ángel Víctor Torres said that the most important thing at this time is to “take care of security” and that “all mechanisms and aid” be arbitrated by public administrations. For this reason, the Canarian Government is already working, “urgently”, on said draft decree law because “there will be significant damage to the homes and properties of the neighbors, who have been affected by the arrival of the coladas “.
On the other hand, Torres stressed that so far no person has had to be treated for health problems related to the volcano and there is no need to regret any human loss or personal injury.
The president also indicated that the volcano “is still active and will continue to be in the next few days,” adding that the lava flows towards the sea and it is foreseeable that around 8:00 p.m. it will reach the coastal area. Therefore, this afternoon there will be a new technical meeting of the Pevolca Steering Committee after which updated information will be given.
Ángel Víctor Torres has emphasized that it is “absolutely essential” to take extreme security measures because “we are facing tremendously dangerous circumstances” that are affecting “very seriously” the island of La Palma, specifically, land, agricultural areas, houses, etc.
The president of the Cabildo de La Palma, Mariano Hernández Zapata, has influenced the joint work of all the administrations involved in this eruption, “that we are, together, to be as close as possible to our neighbors in these difficult times, and that we have to make a commitment to give help and facilities so that people can rebuild their lives. “
Mariano H. Zapata wanted to make it clear that La Palma is “a safe island”, as “has been demonstrated thanks to the science ‘Spanish brand’, which has been able to anticipate an event of this nature a week in advance, that it is what has made it possible not to regret the loss of human life. “