The Minister of Municipal Cooperation and Housing of the Cabildo of Tenerife has announced the tender, for an initial budget of 1.2 million euros, of the works to improve the municipal reservoirs and supply networks for the supply of drinking water in Fasnia.
In a statement, the person in charge of the area, Zebenzuí ChineaHe explained that once the works begin, the purpose of which is to precisely address the needs of the residents of the municipality, they will have an execution period of 10 months.
They will consist of the renewal of the main pipes, the installation of meters, filtration and self-dosing chlorination and the reduction of pressures, among other actions.
Specifically, the Pino del Agua, Fasnia II, La Zarza and Las Eras tanks will be conditioned in order to improve their condition, adapting them to the regulations that establish sanitary criteria for the quality of water for human consumption.
Measures will also be taken to sectorize the supply network and, in the same way, it has been explained that the Fasnia I and Zarza I deposits will be left out of the normal operation of the network, remaining in reserve for emergency situations.
The action of the project of ‘Conditioning of the Municipal Warehouses and Supply Networks in Fasnia’ is included in the Municipal Cooperation Plan 2018-2021 and will be financed 90% by the insular institution and 10% by City Hall.