The health administration will inform each day of the places where both vacuguaguas will be present, as well as the hours in which they will be operative. In order to receive the vaccine in them, it is essential to be at least 12 years old, reside in the Archipelago, present the National Identity Document and, in the case of children under 16 years of age, be accompanied by their parents or guardians.
“Now that there has already been a significant quantitative and qualitative leap in vaccination coverage, it is essential to take action to attract all citizens who have not yet accessed the vaccine,” said Dr. Amós García Rojas, head of the section on Epidemiology and Prevention of the General Directorate of Public Health of the Canary Health Service (SCS) and president of the Spanish Association of Vaccination (AEV).
Likewise, based on the words of the expert, “taking into account that the vehicles will be moving and that the guarantee of administration of the compounds is the same as in any of the other authorized points”, it will also be possible to facilitate the inoculation “to the residents who enjoy their holidays in the Islands ».
Group immunity
It must be remembered that, since last Wednesday, the region managed to achieve 70% group immunity, a fact that, in the opinion of the physician, constitutes a “milestone” for a public health strategy. “Without a doubt, a great deal of effort has been made in terms of logistics, planning and management. Professionals have done a brilliant job and citizens have taken up health recommendations. All this has made it possible for us to reach this percentage “, he valued.
Until that day, SCS professionals had managed to administer 2,821,340 units of serum, which represents 92.5% of those received to date (3,049,160).
Advance of serums
The Canary Islands has decided to advance the vaccination against the coronavirus of people between 12 and 64 years old who have passed the disease to eight weeks, instead of the six months that were established. In this way, the region joins the list of communities that have already adopted this measure, such as Aragon, the Basque Country and Catalonia. As explained by the Ministry of Health, the decision is made to guarantee the immunization of this group in the face of the majority presence of the Delta variant. It is estimated that around 34,000 inhabitants can be vaccinated right now. “The measure is very positive, but the fact that people who overcame the disease were getting vaccinated at six months was not inappropriate. Now, as we have more doses of the compounds, the most important thing is to vaccinate the entire target population in order to reach the collective immunity of 85 or 90% required by the Delta as soon as possible, ”explained Dr. Amós García Rojas.