The rector of the University of La Laguna (ULL), Francisco García, expressed his dissatisfaction this Wednesday upon learning of the preliminary budget proposal for 2025 for the autonomous community, noting that the funding for Canarian public universities saw a mere increase of 200,000 euros, which he described as “meagre.”
“This results in significant constraints on our expenditure ability,” explained the rector, who reminded that on the same day, both rectors signed the agreement to participate in the María Goyri national programme for hiring doctoral assistant professors, yet there was no identifiable line item in the regional budget for this; hence, the necessary part of the regular budget might be subject to deductions.
“In light of the relentless rise in service costs, this situation is of considerable concern. We will tirelessly advocate for an improvement in this funding,” he stated in a communiqué.
On another note, during the Government Council session, it was decided to amend the Employment List for Teaching and Research Staff following the execution of the Public Employment Offer (OPE) for 2022, which will facilitate the creation of five permanent teaching roles and three tenured university teaching positions related to the I3/R3 quota.
The establishment of 27 permanent university teaching posts, 2 tenured university teaching roles, 6 permanent teaching jobs, and 6 linked permanent teaching roles, is also planned, financed through the OPE for 2023.
Furthermore, modifications to the hiring guidelines for the institution’s teaching staff were approved to align them with the organic law, aimed at assessing the teaching requirements of the departments in line with the figures established in the legislation.
The Vice-Rector for Teaching, José Manuel García Fraga, introduced the regulations governing the design, verification, modification, and cessation of official university master’s degree programmes, which transposes similar regulations for undergraduate degrees.
Additionally, the guidelines for dual master’s academic programmes were reviewed, which conform to the previously approved documentation concerning degrees.
Consequently, the regulations for the final degree project have been approved, set to take effect from the next academic year.
The Governing Council also approved two proposals for new credentials, associated with the diploma of expert in training for university teaching (revised credit edition) and the diploma of expert in data analysis for biological sciences in R (newly established).
During the session, the teacher evaluation report, ‘Docentia’, was presented, covering the 2021/22 academic year and including the activities of 166 educators (with annual assessments for the whole teaching staff).
Of this assessed cohort, 82.5% received a very positive rating, while 7.5% were rated unfavourably, often due to insufficient documentation that was not submitted by the individuals concerned, as explained by the vice-rector.
The session concluded with the manager, Teresa Covisa, discussing the approval of multi-year funding for the cleaning service contract for 2024-27 and the allocation of salary supplements to educators.