Tomorrow, the coastal town of Punta del Hidalgo will be alive with festivities as it celebrates the boating of the Virgen del Carmen, an event deeply rooted in tradition and fervour that attracts hundreds of people to this charming enclave every year to join the image on its journey.
Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, the Mayor of La Laguna, highlighted the significance of this festival as a cultural heritage deeply ingrained in the municipality’s population. It has become an essential event for the residents of Tenerife, who flock to the coast in increasing numbers each year to witness this iconic event up close.
The mayor, along with the Festival’s Councillor, Dailos González, expressed their gratitude for the dedication of all those involved in organizing the various events that make up this celebration, particularly the festival committee of the area.
Parishioners will accompany the patron saint of sailors, entrusting her with the protection of their ships and lives at sea during the procession. In Punta del Hidalgo, the recitation of the Holy Rosary will begin at 5:30 p.m. as a prelude to the land and sea procession of the virgin along the traditional route followed in previous years.
During the boarding, the talented singer Chago Melian will perform the classic song “Ave Maria” at El Roquete. As the Virgin of Carmen returns to her chapel, a spectacular fireworks display will light up the sky.