Resident members of the Cepsa I community, situated near the Acidalio Lorenzo public swimming pool, have reported the challenges they face due to the existence of vagrants who have erected makeshift stalls around this renowned district of the city.
Those impacted highlight that “the encampment identified on Pedro Salinas Street and behind the Azorín Neighbourhood Association, along with the vicinity of the neighbourhood, and opposite our community, is becoming increasingly intolerable with each passing day.” This situation leads to safety concerns and unsightliness, with beer cans and other refuse strewn on the ground.
Consequently, they urge the Municipal Council, Cabildo, and Government of the Canary Islands to address this issue by “relocating these individuals to a public property so they are not loitering on the streets all day, providing them with a better quality of life, beneficial for both them and the residents.” residents emphasize.