Trabachones (2019)
Minutes before 10:00 p.m. Trabachones started like a cannon and was critical of the carnival from the first verse, a trademark of the house. Yone Expósito’s men have arrived to shake off the thorn of 2023 – the year in which they did not advance to the final – and try to earn a place in Friday’s final.
After his parade he started “Por mi santo carnival”, which began with an acid criticism of the role that the murgueros play in the carnival in the eyes of the people and Festivals: “the subsidy doesn’t even make a difference” to then go on to sing a ode to the murga and its value. More carnival criticism against people who do not take care of their costumes, against those who complain that murgueros who are not from Santa Cruz compete and even against the jury, who are sent home a cappella if they do not respect the murgueros and the contest. An entire song that they gave to the carnival, the only content of the lyrics.
In their second, “the grand finale”, they made version 2.0. of the song that Bambones sang in 2019, half things that they know work and half murguera criticism, also in his second song. They deal with the resale of tickets, with the bar experts who “listen” to the murgas from the canteen and criticize the work of the murgueros, with the annoying friend who even gives you the badge in the bathroom talking about carnival and how they have become the final in a parade party. They left the carnival for a second to attack Coalition and “its corruption” to get back into their star theme and criticize the fanaticism of carnival fans.
Carnival, carnival and carnival. At times it seemed like they were going to sing about something else, but it never came. Although their lyrics were well put together, this year they fell somewhat short of content and originality. Second murga and we have already heard three songs starring the carnival… They did not manage to engage the public as in previous editions nor did they sing anything new, but they remained faithful to their style and that is to be appreciated.
Diabolical (2017)
Those of Lali Carvajal were in charge of breaking the ice, a not easy role that, judging by the first chords of their parade, does not seem to scare them. Tuned and strong from the beginning, they began to notice their musical improvement and their desire to surprise.
He then began his first song “The Stages of Life” with some lack of diction. After presenting the common thread, they began to break down the stages of life starting with childhood, which they took advantage of to demand more pediatricians and more research into childhood cancer. Then came the turn of adolescence, which they took advantage of to criticize the law of just yes means yes. They then moved into adulthood to start with a social criticism of rents and the increase in household expenses. It seemed that they deflated when they reached old age to narrate the loneliness that the elderly experience, but they recovered.
In their second “The Carnival of the Forgotten”, they made a reminder of the different contests that exist in the Carnival and that Fiestas does not take as much care as the troupes and murgas. They started with the decorated cars to move on to the costume contest that “isn’t even half of what it was before.” They brought on representatives of each modality in their staging, which reached its climax with the presence of Manón Marichal on stage and members of La Canción de la Risa, a contest they honored. Carnival finale par excellence with all the Carnival groups in front of the stage accompanying them in their farewell.
Their notable musical improvement thanks to Richard Casanova and in lyrics, the work of Romén Soriano, Carlos Casanova, Martel and Esther, allowed them to achieve their best performance practically since they arrived at the contest. Although the first one, more critical, was better than the second one, commercial and carnival in equal parts, they can boast of having had an acceptable start to the contest.

The adult murgas contest starts Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival.
Tonight the first phase of adult murgas will take place in which they will perform Diabolical, Trabachones, Mocking, Unleashed, Trapaseros, Chinchosos and Desbocados
All tickets sold in this first phase of adult murgas, as well as in the second, third and final. The murgas, the highlight of the television carnival, are becoming more popular every day and this is reflected in the influx of the public, who have been looking forward to this contest for years. At 8:30 p.m. Mamelones was already on stage to serve as her opening act after having won the third prize for acting in the children’s murgas contest, which ended last Saturday. If they were not presented by Roberto González and Emilia González as a child murga, they could have passed for an adult. Sounding much better than in the performance that catapulted them to the murguero podium, they managed to get applause from the audience.