He closure of the Guamasa access (link 14) to the TF-5 highway and the diversion of traffic along the TF-235 to exit 12 of the TF-5 has caused significant delays this morning.
On TF-235, traffic has also been slow due to the volume of vehicles it has had to support.
Damaso Arteagaadvisor of Cabildo roads, has stressed on Televisión Canaria that it is a “trial” period. “We could not remain contemplative. The traffic on the TF-5 highway has been somewhat more fluid during the morning,” he noted.
The measure will be tested for seven days, except weekends and the holiday of November 1, from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Specifically, it will be applied on October 25, 26, 27, 30 and 31 and November 2 and 3. The objective is to try to lighten traffic in the area during rush hours.