The director of the Canarian Health Service (SCS), Carlos Díaz, has chaired a new meeting of the Sectoral Health Board held in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in which the majority of the members of the union organizations agreed, improvements both in remuneration and in the working conditions of the SCS staff.
The general director of Human Resources, José Ángel González, and members of the unions represented on the Sectoral Table participated in the meeting: Intersindical Canaria, UGT, CCOO, Union of Public Employees of the Canary Islands (SEPCA) and State Convergence of Doctors and of Nursing (CEMSATSE).
The Sectoral Board agreed by majority to study the implementation of measures that allow an open and permanent transfer competition procedure. This process, which also plans to facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life, has as a priority facilitating the voluntary mobility of workers between work centers and achieving better professional development of the SCS staff.
It was also agreed to study the implementation of centralized employment lists that remain open to be able to provide the temporary personnel needs that are required.
The Board also agreed to propose the inclusion in the general budgets of the Canary Islands of 2024 the update of the economic benefit derived from situations of temporary disability or situations protected by birth and care of a minor and risk during pregnancy, as well as a remuneration supplement that reaches one hundred percent of the ordinary fixed and periodic remuneration that they would receive in the month of the beginning of the disability or protected situation. Likewise, the update of another complement of continued care in periods of accumulated breastfeeding and adaptation of the workplace due to pregnancy was proposed.
During the Sector Roundtable it was also proposed to develop a new professional career degree that can be accessed after five years from the previous positive evaluation. This measure seeks to recognize the efforts of staff to improve the quality of their work. In addition, it is planned to progressively improve the remuneration of the professional career.
It was also agreed to call a new meeting of the permits, licenses and vacations working group and the remuneration working group to continue with the corresponding study. The Nursing specialties working group will also be promoted, under the agreement adopted on May 5.