He Emergency and Security Coordination Center 112 has issued an air quality statement regular-unfavorable in four municipalities of Tenerife because of the smoke generated by the Forest fire.
Said smoke is made up of a mixture of gases and small particles that are emitted by the combustion of vegetation and other materials, according to 112 Canarias.
The rest of the municipalities could be severely affected in the event of the arrival of smoke from the fire.
People with respiratory or heart diseases (asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema), minors, pregnant women and the elderly, people who do intense physical activity and people with reduced mobility, may be especially affected.
Coughing, eye, nose or throat irritation, difficulty breathing deeply, chest discomfort, palpitations, fatigue, and aggravation of symptoms may appear in people with previous respiratory or cardiac diseases.
For this reason, it is recommended to avoid being outside, and in the event that this is the case, wear an FFP2 mask to avoid respiratory problems. Likewise, it is not recommended to carry out intense or prolonged physical activities
Better to close doors and windows, and, in the case of having air conditioning, put it in recirculation mode and with clean filters.