The mystery in the Haría City Hall was cleared up at the last minute
The lack of agreement between the parties represented in the northern City Council (PSOE, Compromiso x Haría, PMH, CC and NC), makes the candidate with the most votes, the socialist Alfredo Villalba, a minority mayor
None of the parties represented in Would do (PSOE, Commitment x Haría, Platform of the Municipality of Haría, CC and NC) has managed to close a government agreement. For this reason, in today’s plenary session, as happened after the 2019 elections, each formation policy opted for vote to your candidate and as the one that obtained the most ballots was the PSOE, for that reason Alfredo Villalba (PSOE) has been elected mayor. However, as it is currently in the minority, if it fails to form a government group with an absolute majority, it is exposed to a motion of censure.