The Vice-Ministry for Equality and Diversity has promoted the installation of the ‘IGUALMÁS’ plugin on the computer equipment of Canary Islands Government staff, a tool developed within the Canary Islands Strategy for Equal Transition as an inclusive language corrector in LibreOffice -the word processor majority in the computers of the Government of the Canary Islands–.
‘IGUALMÁS’, which is deployed as an update in the teams of the staff of the regional public administration, detects possible uses of the generic masculine and proposes alternative solutions.
Along the same lines, the Vice Ministry has also updated the National Classification of Occupations, SISPE.
The list responds to the same coding system, set at the national level, so as not to alter the uniform treatment of information on occupations but complying with the laws of equality that supposes surpassing the masculine as generic, details the Government in a note.
As explained by the Deputy Minister for Equality and Diversity, Sylvia Jaén, both tools are added to the practical guide ‘Communicate in times of equality and diversity’, to the quick reference infographics that have been developed to promote internal and external communication of the Government of Canarias, and the image bank developed in order to offer photographic material that breaks with the usual proposals on topics such as care, sport, the elderly or youth.
More than 200 images free of rights and stereotypes available to all the Departments.
“We have made training, resources, proposals and alternatives available to the staff of the Canarian administration – argues Sylvia Jaén – so that finally the Government of the Canary Islands not only complies with the legislation in reference to inclusive language but also becomes a benchmark for communication in times of equality and diversity, acceptance of diversities and the end of the exclusion of women in language and in the common imagination”.
Positioning the Government of the Canary Islands as a benchmark in the work of social equality and non-discrimination is one of the general objectives of the Canary Islands Strategy for Equal Transition, approved in session of the Government of the Canary Islands on April 28, 2022 with a framework of action and 16 years.
Specifically, the task of developing tools and resources that allow Government personnel to have continuous advice and support in the area of inclusive communication is set.