The rumor ran early in the morning in the Cabildo de Tenerife: Navarro Tacoronte, the mediator, would be in the plenary session on the case to which he gives his name. It seemed like an ordeal, but it came true. He assures that he did not come to provoke but to see the face of the president, Pedro Martín. And for him to see him.
«I am Marco Antonio Navarro Tacoronte. ID number xxx”. Surprise for everyone in the Cabildo de Tenerife. From the security guard who takes the data to the last adviser. Coup de effect of the mediator in the monographic debate of the insular Corporation on the case to which it gives its name. Tension, media deployment rarely seen and the key figure in the alleged corruption plot among the 30 people who have a capacity in the public area. Far exceeded this time around with a lot of people standing.
The rumor ran early in the morning around the Cabildo. It seemed like a simple ordeal, but it came true. And he caught most with the wrong foot
The mediator more or less stoically endures the three hours of debate to have his moment of glory at the end with statements at the gates of the Insular Palace before a cloud of cameras.
He arrives very calm, accompanied by several people, and washes his hands well before entering the plenary room. Then, once inside, he maintains his manners but gesticulates at any comment, murmurs or whispers into the ear of those who accompany him. He knows that he is the center of attention. At one point he puts the speaker on his mobile. The insular president, Pedro Martín, asks him to turn it off and reminds them that they have to be silent. First assault.
There were two outstanding moments in yesterday’s struggle between the president and the mediator. In the middle of the session, Navarro makes an unintelligible comment out loud and Pedro Martín threatens to evict him. “This is not a circus,” he argues, although yesterday he was the ringmaster or tamer. The rest of the roles, to taste of the consumer.
The appearing party is actually the Sports Minister, but everyone is looking at the public. The participants in the great media display and the directors themselves. The mediator is the star of this particular film.
Navarro Tacoronte continues murmuring under his breath to his companions. It seems to be contained. He is interested in knowing who is who in his particular scenario. He gets up and leaves the room three times. Some news media is behind it, although there is little news in the calls he makes or in other more mundane tasks.
Concepción Rivero, Sports Counselor and appearing party, gives rise to a joke: I don’t know him and I don’t have his phone number. I know he’s sitting there because I’ve seen him in the media.” Navarro Tacoronte, polite, greets her from his seat in that there that mentions the one who was a judge for nine years and a member of citizens with a brief “good afternoon”
Marco Antonio does not like what he sees in the plenary session of the Cabildo de Tenerife. I expected Pedro Martín to acknowledge that, according to him, he has known him since 2015 or 2016.
He also does not remember the exact date on which he met with Martín in his office at the Cabildo, but he assures that it was before the complaint by the former director of Sports, Ángel Pérez. The fuze of the case, the case of him. The one who says he doesn’t come to provoke but to see some faces and for them to see him.
Marco Antonio begins and ends as the media star “in this theater»in which, as María José Belda, a non-attached councillor, «has become today (yesterday) the plenary hall of the council of Tenerife».
The mediator stars in the debate on the Mediator case. Never better said what he stars in. It is an unexpected twist. For some. For Mark Antony, no. He is the star.