The website Remembering it and using it is key for the unemployed in Tenerife because it is a key to connect with a possible job. It is the address of the Cabildo Emplea platform that publishes an average of fifteen job offers. employment per day from private companies. The island councilor for the area, Carmen Luz Baso, highlights that more than 7,000 people registered in 2022 to receive information on job offers, training and subsidies. She values that “this data demonstrates the usefulness of this tool in practice.”
To this average of fifteen daily offers, from Monday to Friday, from the private sphere, we must add the calls for employment launched by the public administrations of the Island, as well as its different entities and the rest of dependent organizations.
The exact number of people registered last year was 7,028. They signed up for this resource, managed by the Insular Foundation for Training, Employment and Business Development (FIFEDE), for information. In addition, 120 companies used it to publish their own offers.
A good chance
The president of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Pedro Martín, highlights “the dynamism of this tool made available to all Tenerife men and women who are looking for a job opportunity.” Also, on the other side of the scale, intended for “companies that want to incorporate new employees into their workforces,” says Martín. The president points out that “only last year 4,444 job offers from the private sector were advertised, to which we must add the public calls that the Cabildo Emplea technical team probes among all the calling administrations.”
For her part, the Minister of Employment, Socioeconomic Development and External Action, Carmen Luz Baso, indicates that these figures “demonstrate the usefulness of these types of platforms because they help to share the professional profiles demanded by companies with the people who They seek to access the labor market or also improve their current working conditions.
Baso adds that “Cabildo Emplea is also a very effective tool for finding out about training, subsidies, scholarships or other resources available to improve professional qualifications.”
The platform has an alert system that allows registered people to be notified when an offer is published that suits their interests, taking into account, among other elements, their place of residence and their availability to move within the Island, the professional situation, educational level or the sector in which you are looking for opportunities.
specific team
Cabildo Emplea has a team dedicated specifically to the generation of content and the approval of job offers that are published on the website. It also has a customer service that allows users to resolve any questions they may have, whether they are job seekers or company representatives who want to publish their offers on the platform. Only last year, more than 1,000 questions were answered, with social networks being the most used means of contact, followed by email, WhatsApp and by phone (+34 673 36 20 32).
To access the platform, which is co-financed by the Development Fund for Canary Islands (FDCan), within the Strategic Framework for Island Development (Medi), both users and interested companies can enter the website or download the different mobile applications available for it.