The spokesman for the Gomera Socialist Association Parliamentary Group (ASG), Casimiro Curbelo, will address in the next plenary session what proposals will be transferred to the European institutions so that tourist islands such as the Canary Islands have specific treatment in terms of transport and aid for sustainability.
It will do so after learning that the Outermost Regions will be excluded from the application of the green rate to flights between islands, as well as those that connect with the continental territory of the country to which they belong.
“We positively value the suppression of this tax for this type of air connections, although it would be interesting to deepen that this measure is applied to international connections, including those with the United Kingdom, due to the strong tourist link that exists between the Canary Islands and this country. “, he pointed out.
In this way, he insisted on the interest of the Islands that the application of the tax does not have an impact on the tourist activity of the Canary Islands, which has a forecast supply of air seats that reaches 9.4 million this winter.
Curbelo will also be interested in the implementation of new equipment and services in the Hospital del Sur to make it a new center of reference, not only for the population of this entire region of Tenerife, but also for the rest of the western islands.
“Tenerife supports, today, in the reference hospitals of La Candelaria and the Universitario, not only the demands of that island, but also of La Gomera, La Palma and El Hierro, so it is a priority to finish the work on the Hospital del Sur to provide the necessary coverage and meet the health demands of these territories, connected daily by sea,” he added.
Thus, he insisted on intensifying the measures so that the recent announcement of having 40 million euros available for this purpose implies the definitive reorganization of the spaces. In this sense, he emphasized continuing to improve the health services provided in this center, as well as the start-up of the Intensive Care Unit, dialysis and chemotherapy. “It is a priority to dimension the sanitary offer of this infrastructure with the real demand”, he pointed out.