Next week, the Santa Cruz City Council will begin to change the parking spaces along the Avenida Marítimo de San Andrés, which will become battery parking lots, to compensate for the loss of spaces with the start of the remodeling work on Calle Dique, in the month of January. This is how the mayor of Infrastructures, Dámaso Arteaga, advanced yesterday, who includes this work within the planning of his area for next year, in which he will have a budget of 21.4 million, which will allow him to carry out nearly 60 interventions throughout the town.
The work on Calle Dique, which has a budget of 950,000 euros, will not wait for the conditioning of the tome site as a car park, once the Mobility area has authorized the change of car parks, which will enable 61 parking spaces (20 have been gained over the existing ones on the avenue) but that also means closing one of the two entrance lanes to San Andrés, “at least while the work lasts,” Arteaga pointed out.
Along with this work, the one on Calle La Rosa (1.3 million) is the other great commitment to transform roads in the capital, which according to the municipal forecast will begin in June, once classes end.
Arteaga pointed out that both Dique and La Rosa streets fall within line 1 of the area’s spending, which with 6.6 million includes interventions to improve green areas and open spaces, action plans in neighborhoods , and actions on public roads.
In the section on green areas and open spaces, which will have 1.4 million, the mayor of Works highlighted the drafting of the Palmetum Ring project, to which 30,000 euros are allocated. “The idea of providing this part with terraces, which will function in a similar way to that of the Las Teresitas kiosks”, he pointed out, and qualified that, “we can only undertake the work when the Port makes the land available to the City Council, something that It hasn’t happened yet.”
Along with this project, the conversion of the space located on Robayna street into a square also stands out, which will mean eliminating the parking lots in the area known as the Orche area. “We have 620,000 euros for the execution of this project in 2023,” explained the mayor of Infrastructures.
Finally, in the section on actions in neighborhoods, which will have 1.1 million, the mayor highlighted the interventions in neighborhood associations or the improvement of accessibility in the neighborhood of La Salud. “In the area of the 1,000 homes, the project will be drawn up to remodel the interior spaces, and in the Anchor area, the project will be drawn up to improve accessibility,” explained Arteaga.
“It is a budget that sprinkles the five districts with works,” defended the mayor and gave examples such as the drafting of the project for the demolition of the old church of San Gerardo, in La Salud, to build a new square, or the remodeling of the Plaza del Parque La Granja, whose project will also be drafted in 2023.
In this chapter, therefore, the actual execution of planned work is headed by Calle Dique (950,741 euros); La Rosa street (1.3 million); the repair of the wall on Río Orinoco street (222,167 euros); the remodeling of the Camino del Hierro (445,944 euros); the intervention on Juan Marín Vives street (431,298 euros); urbanization of the streets of the Polígono Buenos Aires (235,600 euros); resurfacing of roads in Ciudad Jardín (628,400 euros); the continuity of the work of San Rafael and San Roque (260,351 euros); the implementation of the 100% sustainable street (200,000 euros); remodeling of the 7 Islas square (286,670 euros); rehabilitation of the Barranco Grande square (256,134 euros); Robayna street space (680,000 euros), and repair of the Las Teresitas breakwater (900,000 euros), in addition to the completion of the Valleseco work.