The pace with which the La Laguna Town Planning Management processes building permits in the municipality has placed it at the head of the projects endorsed by the College of Architects of Tenerife (COA) throughout the Island. Thus, last year , according to COA data to which DIARIO DE AVISOS has had access, the procedures endorsed by the College from La Laguna reached 615 files. This is more than 200 files different from the second municipality that processed the most licenses, which was Santa Cruz, where the COA visas reach the figure of 424.
The mayor of La Laguna, Luis Yeray Gutiérrez, compared to these numbers points out that “the data from the Official College of Architects places us at the head of the island of Tenerife and, therefore, also of the Archipelago, in the processing of works files ”. “It is a reflection of the economic strength of La Laguna, of the facilities offered by the municipality for the development of new projects and the confidence of companies when it comes to investing. These data confirm that the work we are doing from the Government of La Laguna to position ourselves as the economic engine of the island is on the right track and is bearing fruit”, he added.
And it is that the two municipalities of the metropolitan area accumulate 36% of the work files in Tenerife, which in 2021 reached the figure of 2,873, of which 1,053 were new and 1,820 had already been started previously. The figures registered by La Laguna are so high that only the sum of the projects endorsed by the COA of all the municipalities in the south of the Island reaches a similar number, specifically, all the southern municipalities add up to 656 work files processed.
In the case of La Laguna, of the 615 projects approved by the COA, 233 were new files, while 382 had already started in previous years. According to data from the Aguere Urban Planning Management, this year, the figures are very similar to those of 2021, pointing out that the processing time has even been reduced. In the case of Santa Cruz, the new files were 144, and those of previous years another 280. After the capital, the third municipality whose Urban Planning area was more diligent in processing building permits was Adeje, with 259 files endorsed by the College of Architects. The fourth was La Orotava, with 145; followed by Candelaria, with 131, and Tacoronte, with 122.
In contrast to these municipalities are those that processed the fewest licenses in 2021.
La Matanza is the one that granted the least, with only five files endorsed by the COA, followed by El Tanque, where eight work files were processed.