Dulce Maria Gutierrez replaces Harold Martin in the candidacy of Canarian Coalition to the Mayor of The Victory of Acentejo. the recent judicial acquittal of Martinwhich ruled out that he had committed crimes of prevarication for alleged irregular hiring, did not alter the roadmap of the nationalists, who are firmly committed to the current local general secretary and municipal spokesperson for CC, and number two on the list in May 2019 , to try to recover municipal power, now in the hands of the PSOE of Juan Antonio Garcia Abreu.
The nationalists obtained 29.27% of the votes and four mayors in the last elections, which made them the second political force in the municipality behind the PSOE, which with 44% of the votes and 7 councilors achieved an absolute majority. The objective of CC is to return to the support gained in the 2015 elections, when the nationalists managed to become the first political force, with 41% of the votes and 6 councilors.
The act of appointment of Gutiérrez as the new CC candidate, by acclamation of those present, also served to honor the former mayor Haroldo Martin and Francisco Gutierrez Flores, another prominent militant and former mayor. The extraordinary assembly brought together more than a hundred people and numerous public officials from CC, such as the insular general secretary of CC de Tenerife, Francis Linares; the secretary of Organization and nationalist deputy, Rosa Davila; the spokesman for the Canarian Coalition in the nationalist group of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Carlos Alonso; the mayor of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Jose Manuel Bermudez; the nationalist deputy Cristina Valido; the island councilors Diana Mora, Antolín Bueno and Carmen Delia Alberto, as well as the mayor of El Sauzal, Mariano Pérez.
For Gutiérrez, this political challenge is “a great honor, a great responsibility and a challenge, because in our times of mandate we make a difference with innovative projects who always tried to make the municipality a better place”.
In Gutiérrez’s opinion, “the path undertaken to value, apart from the local wines and gastronomy, the historical, cultural, heritage and landscape wealth of The victory, was interrupted with the arrival of the PSOE”. The nationalist candidate believes that “if we get the CC to recover the institutions in that future, we will have the strength to fight against so much grievance, the one demonstrated by the Government of the Canary Islands and by the central government. Madrid does not respect us and the Canarian president is submissive and, worst of all, justifies Pedro Sánchez’s outrages.”
Francis Linares He highlighted the work carried out by the nationalist candidate in these years with the residents of La Victoria, and defined her as “a close, humble woman who is 100% committed to her municipality.” In her opinion, she “is the best candidate that the municipality can have” because “represents the essence of CCwhich is decency and dedication to its people, in addition to respecting the history of the men and women who have been part of this party”.
For Linares, “La Victoria is stagnant, it has been erased from the island of Tenerife for four years. And its inhabitants can no longer bear the PSOE’s apathy. We have to give our young people a future, that’s why in May this municipality has a lot at stake”.
Rosa Davila rated the “important role that Dulce has within our organization. She is a strong, brave, fighter, hard-working woman who fights with whomever it takes to solve the problems of the inhabitants of The victory. Without a doubt, it represents the best project for the municipality and has a team that is an example of generosity”. And he added that this presentation has been “a very important day for the party’s bases, because it is the day that change begins.”
Carlos Alonso He said that Dulce Gutiérrez is “the essence of what we are as a party, which is being with the people. And from La Victoria, where we were born, we are going to recover the island for the people of Tenerife”.