The Arona Town Hall has allocated since the beginning of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, in March 2020, a total of 800,000 euros to help the taxi sector in the town. From the Aronero Government it is emphasized that this public investment has served to propitiate “the maintenance and promotion of the taxi sector since the beginning of the economic crisis generated by the pandemic, from which practically all license holders have benefited”.
The mayor of Arona, Jose Julian Menamade this announcement on the occasion of a meeting held with the councilor for the Transport area, Francis Marichalwith the new directive the Association of Radio Taxis of the Municipality of Arona, who was elected in an assembly held on June 20. The meeting was also attended by the chief deputy commissioner of the Local Police.
The new president of the group of taxi drivers, Moises Sierra Dominguezwas accompanied by the vice president, Juan Antonio Navarro Garcia; the Secretary, Juan Pablo Alvarez Tejeraas well as the vowels Juan Carlos Brito Medina, Humberto Luis Falcón, Rosa María Rico Contreras and Antonio Hernández Herrera.
The meeting addressed different lines of work for the coming months regarding issues such as mobility and the main needs of this sector, one of the great affected by the crisis generated by the pandemic.
Joint work and collaboration
The mayor of Arona and the councilor for the Transport area have stressed that “we hope to continue working, hand in hand, with the sector and with the new board of directors, in the same way that we have done in recent years with the president and the outgoing directive. For the municipality, due to the importance of the taxi, It is a strategic sector”.