The company Management and Territorial and Environmental Planning (Gesplan), attached to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Fight against Climate Change and Territorial Planning of the Government of the Canary Islands, will launch a strategic plan in the coming days for the period between 2022 and 2024 in such a way that it allows to advance in the economic, financial and labor stability of the entity.
The CEO, Agoney Piñero, highlighted that this is the first document of this nature incorporated by the public company and explained that, once the plan received the approval of the entity’s Board of Directors, it was studied by the regional Executive and approved this Thursday by its Governing Council.
“Now, it’s time to put it into practice and continue working, as has been done to date, with the aim of reinforcing Gesplan’s position as a support tool and an important executing arm for the archipelago’s public administrations,” he remarked.
Piñero indicated that for the development of the plan, a diagnosis of the company has been carried out in all its areas, which has allowed him to have a detailed X-ray of the current situation.
“The document emphasizes that our main mission is to provide services in an agile way through a sustainable business model and attached to the Canary archipelago, offering an excellent and personalized service, in such a way that we can generate value for society, especially in the Canarian territory,” he stated in a note.
The CEO also influenced the consensus reached in the document, since all those responsible for areas and services have incorporated their contributions, in addition to the members of the Board of Directors.
“This is everyone’s job, with which we intend to lay the foundations for the coming years, in such a way that it allows us to strengthen our stability and face the challenges and priorities in the aforementioned temporary period,” he stressed.
Gesplan, in its 30 years of history, continued Piñero, “has managed to position itself as a public company of reference in the provision of services for territorial and environmental development in the Canary Islands, based on innovation and continuous improvement as a key element for promoting of sustainability and the promotion of the regional market”.
For this, he pointed out, “we have set ourselves, as main values, responsibility and commitment, proximity to citizens, excellence, closeness and trust, rootedness of the territory, efficiency in management, commitment to a qualified human team, sustainability , adaptability, equality, inclusion and transparency, among others”.
At the moment the company executes around 200 projects and assignments of different subjects, among which are the environment, infrastructure, territorial planning or project development, among other areas.
All this work is managed through the four large areas, which are supported by the company’s different services, with an average monthly workforce of nearly 2,000 people throughout the archipelago.