The Governing Council agreed this Thursday the approval of the Decree by which the Statutes of the University of La Laguna (ULL) are reformed, which replace those of 2004.
Its elaboration has entailed a process of reflection and debate about the model of the institution that it aspires to build, the Executive collects in a note, emphasizing that the new wording was elaborated with the maximum participation of the entire university community, and approved in the session of September 16, 2021 by absolute majority in the terms provided in the Statutes and the Organic Law of Universities.
The preamble of the new law states that, after three decades of validity of the previous one, it was unavoidable to undertake the reform with the purpose of adapting it to the current legislation, while it was necessary to improve its formal structure and reduce the regulation of the issues that , apart from the Statutes, already have regulatory provisions, or are subject to regulatory development.
In this way, the new statutory text provides the academic life of the ULL with a new order inspired by the principles of democracy, equality, justice, tolerance, freedom, solidarity, participation and pluralism.
The preliminary title includes the general provisions, which regulate issues such as the nature, principles, functions, instruments of action, symbols and distinctions of the ULL.
Thus, it defines it as a public law institution with full legal personality and capacity, which provides the public service of higher education through teaching, study, research, the transfer of knowledge to society, the dissemination of culture and university extension.
The title first deals with the government of the University and its representation. It distinguishes between collegiate bodies of a general scope, unipersonal bodies of a general scope, and those of a particular scope; Faculties and Schools, Departments, Doctoral Schools and Study Centers and other centers or structures.
The second title refers to teaching and study, research, relations with society and internationalization, and the functions that the Organic Law of Universities attributes to the University.
The third title includes the most relevant aspects of the university community, dealing first with its rights and duties, the system of teaching and research staff and administration and services, the student body and the University Ombudsman, the Equal Opportunity Unit Gender and Services Inspection.
The fourth title is dedicated specifically to the general regime of university services, indicates its definition and the list of these that, at a minimum, the University must maintain.
The fifth title, within the scope of the economic and financial autonomy of the institution, regulates the economic, financial and patrimonial regime, while the sixth sets the general principles regarding the electoral regime and the seventh deals with the statutory reform procedure.