María José Belda, spokesperson for the Sí Podemos Canarias group in the Cabildo de Tenerife, denounces the planning of the island government (PSOE-Cs), of which her party is an external partner, in the face of “the serious problem of the discharges that continue to affect our entire Island”. According to Belda, the island officials show “a lack of vision when committing to developing industrial treatment systems at certain points that entail a high economic, energy and infrastructure maintenance cost, which we consider to be unnecessary.”
The representative of Yes We Can refers to the agreement between the City Council of Los Silos and the Insular Council of Waters of Tenerife, dependent on the Cabildo, which allows sewage from the municipality of Garachico to be discharged into the sea by the outfall of the municipality of Silense, which that has generated a controversy in Isla Baja, with strong opposition among residents of the municipality of Los Silos. Belda points out that the Cabildo “continues to ignore the citizen clamor of the Isla Baja region, who continue to demand the implementation of natural water purification systems, adapted to the needs of each municipality, since these avoid bad odours, noise, waste, with practically no energy expenditure or maintenance costs for infrastructures in the future».