Arrested the alleged “arsonist of the General Highway of Rosario”

The National Police has arrested the alleged “arsonist of the General del Rosario Highway”. This is a 42-year-old man who is considered the alleged perpetrator of the crimes of robbery with force and damage to vehicles that he later set on fire to destroy possible incriminating evidence and divert the investigation.

The Police have reported that four vehicles were burned in three days on the Carretera General del Rosario, in Tenerife, and point out that the investigators verified that the events were committed during night time slots and in the same area.

The analysis of the data, evidence and testimonial statements collected by the investigators allowed a man to be related to the events, who had also been caught fleeing the area before the arrival of a Police patrol.

The detainee is a resident of the area and the Police consider that he presumably committed the robbery inside the vehicle, fracturing the windows or window, and later set the car on fire to hinder the investigation.

This person was arrested in the capital of Tenerife by the National Police and, together with the report made for this purpose, was brought to justice.

The actions were carried out by national police officers from the Investigation Group of the National Police Station of the Northern District of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

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