The City Council of Granadilla de Abona and Entemanser, manager of the municipality’s water supply and sanitation service, gave Juan Rognoni Escario, director of Cáritas Diocesana de Tenerife, a symbolic check with the contribution of 1,625 euros, as a result of the collaboration agreement signed between the company and the foundation. The agreement between Aqualia and Cáritas establishes that the company supports Cáritas initiatives that aim to fight poverty and inequality, as well as improve the living conditions of people in situations of vulnerability or exclusion.
The agreement is specified, on the one hand, in collaborating in the attention to people in situations of vulnerability or exclusion who address the company with matters related to the payment of water. Within its social responsibility policy, Aqualia will study each case endorsed by Cáritas and by a report from the municipal Social Services. On the other hand, Aqualia annually donates to this institution the amount equivalent to the water service bills of its centers located in the towns covered by the agreement –almost 100– where Aqualia provides services.
The ceremony was attended by the mayor, José Domingo Regalado; the first deputy mayor, Marcos González, and the councilors of Social Services and General Services, María de la O Gaspar and Marcos Rodríguez, respectively. For the company, Rafael Castillo, Tenerife East production manager, and the service manager, Diego Carballeira. Regalado valued this type of initiative very positively and thanked the company for the collaboration they provide to the most vulnerable groups and those most in need, especially to the Caritas shelter in San Antonio de Padua, which carries out crucial work in the town.