«This is very important news for the municipality because the problems in renting or acquiring a home in El Rosario are well known, especially for young people, who, in general, cannot cope with the prices offered by the private real estate market », Celebrated the mayor of Rosario, Escolástico Gil (IR-Verdes).
The point addressed by the Local Government Board was named Awarding of the acquisition, for consideration, of a plot of land on consolidated urban land, within the nucleus of La Esperanza, in the municipality of El Rosario, destined for the construction of houses under a public protection regime. It is an agreement that followed the rest of the administrative milestones that have been carried out this year.
The councilor from Rosario stressed that the site is located just 250 meters from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Therefore, the next promotion of public housing, which will be especially aimed at social houses for young people and families who cannot access the private market, will be part of the future urban expansion of the town, in which it will be integrated. “This project responds to an urgent demand of an important part of the citizenry and, at the same time, it will help the reactivation of the economy and the generation of employment,” said the mayor.
As it will be recalled, the City Council had approved in June the technical and administrative specifications to tender the purchase of a plot of land or set of plots. These, as they explained then, should be located in the nucleus of La Esperanza. For this, the Rosario corporation had planned to allocate a maximum of 163,000 euros and the land had to be classified as consolidated urban. Other requirements were that the land should have a minimum buildable area of 1,000 square meters and that it should be located no more than 1,500 meters from the Town Hall Square.
In June, Gil explained that this initiative is part of the efforts made by the local government to have public land and make El Rosario part of the Canary Islands Housing Plan 2020-2025 of the regional Executive. “The Canary Islands Government, Through the Canarian Housing Institute, it is going to carry out an important investment in promoting public housing and the municipalities must have the necessary land to be able to take advantage of this program of actions and then transfer it to them, “he said, before underlining that El Rosario “cannot afford to miss this opportunity so that many families can have access to decent housing.”
“Through the processing of this public tender, the Rosario corporation intends to take the necessary steps to pay the deficit in public and accessible housing and, in the same way, generate the necessary land to promote the promotion of public housing”, they highlighted coinciding with the announcement competition. «The integration of El Rosario in the Canary Islands Housing Plan 2020-2025 aims to provide facilities for the acquisition of a home for young people or families of the municipality with low economic income that, due to their socioeconomic situation, have serious difficulties in accessing decent housing through the private real estate market, “they added at that time.