The Santa Cruz City Council, through the General Staff Committee of the Corporation, chaired by the Councilor for Human Resources, Purificación Dávila, approved by majority the Public Offer of Employment (OPE) for 2021, which includes a total of 59 places ; of them, 42 of free access and another 17 destined to internal promotion. “Of all these places, it is important to note that 20 are those destined for the Local Police of this municipality this year, and we have another 5 from 2019 and we hope to arrive on time with the remaining 8 from 2018,” says Dávila.
“In the next call, therefore -announces the councilor-, we will have these places, although it is not clear if the General State Budgets (PGE) of 2022 will allow local public administrations to cover the real needs that they currently have” and He adds that “if we add the planned Local Police positions, plus those allowed by the call for 2022 and thereafter, we would be able to increase the presence of local agents in the city, which is undoubtedly excellent news.”
This OPE will be submitted to the Governing Board this Tuesday, November 2, with the intention of obtaining its approval. “In any case, it must be emphasized that said job offer has obtained the support of the majority in the various sessions of the General Negotiating Table, finally reaching an agreement with the union representation in the session held on October 26, 2021 ”, adds the Councilor for Human Resources, who insists that“ the offer includes a total of 59 places, 42 of them open access and 17 reserved for internal promotion ”.
The free access places include, among others, the aforementioned 20 local police places, which will be announced soon. On the other hand, within the positions reserved for internal promotion, within the Special Administration Scale, there are 3 positions of sub-inspector of the Local Police Corps and 1 of commissioner, in addition to another of auxiliary sanitary technician. Within the General Administration Scale, there are 2 administrative C / C1 group and 3 administrative assistant C / C2. Among those reserved for internal promotion, in the category of Labor Personnel, there are 1 professor musician director, from Group I; 2 of municipal facilities maintenance officer; 1 reprographic operator; two as 1st gardener officer, and this reservation ends with another 1st driver officer position.