Rodríguez Santana explained that in the near future it is expected that the minutes of the start of these works will be formalized, which will have an approximate execution period of four months, and that they intend to cover the demand and needs in terms of this type of resources. He adds that they are also working on a comprehensive project for the entire municipality, so apart from these ten parks, another action of similar investment will be added for the next financial year 2022 with the aim of gradually improving the leisure and recreation areas in all the nuclei of Granada.
In the first round of actions, the centers of El Médano (Galicia and Canarias squares), San Isidro (Cha Joaquina Park and La Hoyita sports center), Los Abrigos (El Choco Street) will benefit; Granadilla (municipal pavilion and El Calvario), Atogo, Casablanca and Cruz de Tea. And the second part, which will be budgeted for next year, would include other enclaves such as Charco del Pino, Chimiche, Los Blanquitos, El Salto and La Tejita-Sotavento, among other parts of the municipality.
The councilor for General Services argues that “after the pandemic we are aware of the need to go out into open spaces by the population, as well as practice outdoor sports, so we promote actions to promote healthy habits and take care of physical health and mental of the population ». “In addition, areas with biosaludable devices are incorporated for our elders, so that they also take care of themselves, while the little ones enjoy in the park,” explained the member of the local government.
Keep a commitment
With the execution of these leisure areas, he argues, “we respond to a commitment and a commitment to inclusiveness and the improvement of the recreational value of parks, of leisure for the youth population through calisthenics and street workout, and of the health of our elders through biosaludable equipments ». Calisthenics parks are part of the policy of favoring the practice of physical activity outdoors, so that anyone, regardless of age or physical condition, can exercise. In this first performance, they will take place in Plaza Galicia (El Médano), Parque Cha Joaquina (San Isidro) and calle El Choco (Los Abrigos).
Finally, the councilor emphasizes the importance of the maintenance and improvement of the existing parks, so the area he directs is currently finalizing the tender for their maintenance, for an estimated value of 185,000 euros, which will include the corresponding certifications, in order to ensure and guarantee security measures at all times.