The mayor, José Daniel Díaz (NC), highlights that Tacoronte Di Vino was born with the vocation of «offering a stable agenda and to be perpetuated in time ”, which in this first year will begin this month and end in summer. In the future, the challenge is to introduce the grape harvest into the programming and enable people to get involved in this key moment for the wineries. For the mayor, “Tacoronte simply wants to be faithful to its tradition, as shown by one fact: in a census of taverns from the 18th century, there was more in Tacoronte than in the rest of the island.”
The mayor of sightseeing, Raquel Marichal (NC), stresses that they want to offer a “more friendly and open” image, with the coordination of Santiago Evangelista, who advocates a “more solid and ambitious program for a municipality with a very good product and a lot of know-how” . One of the keys to Tacoronte Di Vino will be “the union of visits to the wineries with a gastronomic pairing linked to local products and restaurants.”
The manager of the Regulatory Council of the aforementioned DO, Mari Paz Gil, affirms that for the last 30 years the name of Tacoronte has been linked to quality wines and considers this bet a success. The design of the brand image is by Manuel Martín, who details that he has tried to condense “the image and essence of Tacoronte”, with winks at the landscape, the gastronomy and some of its main products.