Gran Canaria is experiencing the fifth wave a few weeks behind Tenerife. Hence, while Tenerife hospitals are beginning to find respite from the enormous health saturation they are suffering, for Gran Canaria the hospitalization curve does not stop growing.
Tenerife hospitals registered 363 hospital admissions yesterday, the lowest figure in the last six days and eight fewer patients than three days ago. For its part, Gran Canaria continued to set records in the fifth wave, registering 181, 16 more than three days ago.
The Canary Islands registered a total of 561 hospitalizations for coronavirus: 94 of critical patients and 467 of serious patients. Likewise, in the last week there have been 65 admissions and 21 discharges.
It should be remembered that, despite these numbers, the occupation of the ICUs in both capital islands has increased in recent days. Critical care units in Gran Canaria are at a high risk level (16.8%). This has caused the Hospital Insular de Gran Canaria to close entire plants to provide coverage for Covid-19 patients. In Tenerife, the occupation of critical beds is at very high risk, with a percentage that exceeds 30%. The incidence is especially high at the Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria University Hospital which, during this last week, has had to refer several patients who required a surgical intervention to the Canary University Hospital (HUC).
Without pathologies and without vaccinating.
The Canary Islands reported four deaths yesterday, all in Tenerife. Of these, one occurred in a 60-year-old man who had no previous pathologies, but was also not vaccinated against the coronavirus. This is the second person to die in the Canary Islands without having a history that could determine the death. The first was a 44-year-old man who had also not been vaccinated. The rest of the people who lost their lives due to the pathogen (two women, 89 and 67 years old and a 51-year-old man), suffered from previous pathologies that could aggravate their prognosis.
The descent is consolidated.
The decline in the epidemic curve continues to consolidate in the Canary Islands, which yesterday, after adding 665 new cases, registered its sixth day of decline compared to the previous week. Specifically, the data notified yesterday represents a decrease of 190 positives compared to last Friday, when 855 new infections were reported. Regarding the accumulated weekly cases, the Archipelago registered 8.9% less than the previous week. The decline is more pronounced on the island of Tenerife, where after adding 330 new cases, the epidemic curve falls by 8.8% and, therefore, its daily incidence, although it continues to be at very high risk. In Gran Canaria, on the other hand, although it remains in decline, yesterday it showed a slight decline compared to the decrease of the previous day, which in any case has not yet consolidated.
No more AstraZeneca.
The Ministry of Health announced yesterday that as of this weekend, people between 60 and 69 years old who have not been vaccinated will be able to do so with one of the two messenger RNA vaccines, that is, Pfizer or Moderna. In this way, AstraZeneca was shelved, which until now was the vaccine that had been chosen to vaccinate this age group.