The Sunday Consumption Vouchers, which can be redeemed this Sunday, will be available for purchase today, starting at 10:00 am. This announcement was made by the mayor of Santa Cruz, José Manuel Bermúdez, who stated that “they can be bought from the website and can be used on Sunday at participating businesses across the capital.”
In this context, Bermúdez noted that “this initiative has been very appealing to both citizens and the local business community. Evidence of this is that last Friday, when we launched the Sunday Bonds sale, they were completely sold out within just 20 minutes, and on Sunday, there was a 97% redemption rate, representing an economic boost of over 23,000 euros for the municipality’s commercial outlets.” He further expressed that “we hope that the response this Friday will be as favourable as the previous occasion.”
Carmen Pérez, the CEO of the Development Society, added that “the Sunday Consumption Vouchers are part of the Hello, Sunday campaign, aimed at stimulating economic activity by fostering lively events and activities on Sundays in the capital.” She mentioned that “this weekend, a range of initiatives will coincide at various locations within Santa Cruz, incentivised by the exchange of Sunday Consumption Vouchers.”
She also mentioned that “those interested in further details can visit the website, where we have compiled all the engaging offerings that Santa Cruz will present during the Sundays of October and the first and third of November.”
Concerning the Domingo Consumption Vouchers, Pérez reminded everyone that “they can be purchased for 7.50 euros via the website, where you can also find information on the participating businesses, and can be used for purchases totalling 25 euros,” adding that “each individual is entitled to buy a maximum of two vouchers per week, with a total of six for the entire campaign.”