The minister of Policy Territorial and Democratic Memory, Angel Victor Torreshas announced that the General State Budgets for 2024 will for the first time contemplate specific items for exhumations of wells and graves in Canary Islandsestimated at 150,000 euros in Gran Canaria and 150,000 in Tenerife.
Ángel Víctor Torres made this announcement during his visit to the Foundation Juan Negrin of The Gran Canarian palms yesterday, an institution with which the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory also announced that it will sign a collaboration protocol for activities in defense of democratic values and with which its department will also promote a multi-year agreement with the Government of the Canary Islands and the Cabildo of Gran Canaria to guarantee the research and dissemination activity of the Foundation.
With your visit, The minister wanted to highlight the efforts of the Juan Negrín Foundation, directed by José Medina and which, since its constitution in 1991 until today, “has managed to become a reference for the study of the history of our country and the dissemination of the figure of Juan Negrín, who embodied the resistance of democracy against fascism and whom the dictatorship slandered so hard that some of those lies still survive,” he said, and thanked the work carried out by this organization. by restoring the figure of Negrín and the relevance of this part of history reaches educational centers and society, not to proselytize but so that those events are not repeated again and to defend democracy and freedom.
The area chaired by Torres will sign a collaboration protocol with the Negrín Foundation
Ángel Víctor Torres has explained that, for the first time, in the 2024 General State Budgets Specific amounts will be allocated for exhumations of wells and graves in the Canary Islands. The minister announced that there would be 150,000 euros in Gran Canaria and 150,000 in Tenerife, to which would be added items from which municipalities in The Palmthrough the million euros from the Spanish Federation of Municipalities for exhumations.
The minister added that, in the next budgets, there will also be 150,000 euros more for an interpretation center in the Tefía penitentiary center, in Fuerteventura“where people were tortured for their sexual orientation during the dictatorship, a shameful fact,” he stated.
«It is important that the Democratic Memory allocates items in this landa, which was the first to register the first victims of the civil war, the coup d’état and the repression for four decades. It is important that we defend freedom and democracy and the word as the only weapon. Here we have a lot of work to develop from the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory,” he stressed.
In addition, Ángel Víctor Torres, whose ministry includes the Commissioner for the Reconstruction of La Palmahas also announced that the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, is now publishing its proposal for a final resolution of aid for feasibility studies of projects, of an innovative nature, for the exploitation of deep geothermal energy, where there are different projects in the island of La Palma.
In the next budgets there will be 150,000 euros more for the Tefía penitentiary center
The aid will be for 12 projects, of which 11 are in the Canary Islands. And 120 million for the entire country53 million euros correspond to La Palma, 43 million euros to Tenerife and 15 million euros to Gran Canaria.
And, as the aid covers 50% of the eligible cost, it represents a double investment, which translates into 106 million for La Palma, 86 million for Tenerife and 30 million for Gran Canaria. “In summary, more than 100 million euros for the island of La Palma, which is the territory that receives the largest amount,” highlighted the minister, who, in addition to the trust of private initiative on the island, trusts in the potential La Palma geothermal to make it mostly renewable by 2030.